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Picking Pray For A Cure Breast Cancer Awareness Think

Picking Pray For A Cure Breast Cancer Awareness Think Pink Long Sleeve TShirt

Picking Pray For A Cure Breast Cancer Awareness Think Pink Long Sleeve TShirt

(4) Where does the money go? The breast cancer Association suggests that the greatest needs are funds to treat low income women who develop breast cancer (not for screening which is already available through the efforts of other groups) and support for underfunded, innovative research.

(5) What is the company doing to assure that it’s not contributing to the incidence of breast cancer? You can go to the Think before You pink website to read about possible conflicts.

Breast cancer is actually considered to be the final outcome of many factors, both hereditary and environmental. This includes gene mutations that can occur by exposure to estrogen, viruses and/or radiation, production of growth factor chemicals that speed tumor growth, inherited defects in DNA repair functions, and such factors as age, childbearing, hormone exposure, high fat diet, tobacco and alcohol use, obesity and shift work. Consequently, it is nearly impossible to determine what mix of elements creates the cancer in any given individual. This situation suggests that there may be many po

So, if everything’s pink, why does breast cancer still kill over 500,000 women (and men) worldwide each year? This has a simple two-part answer. First, breast cancer is a multifactorial disease and second, the ‘pinking of the world’ has as much to do with product merchandising as it does with funding research.

(3) How are the funds raised? If you will have to cut out a coupon or go to a website and do something more, are you really going to do it?

In fact, some companies may actually be selling products that may increase the risk of breast cancer. Yoplait’s 2008 campaign “Save Lids to Save Lives”, urged consumers to buy pink-lidded cups and for each pink lid returned, Yoplait would donate ten cents to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, up to $1.5 million. A woman would have to eat three containers of Yoplait every day during the four-month campaign to raise $36. However the yogurt is made from cows treated with recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone(rBGH) and interestingly there are numerous health concerns, including breast cancer, surrounding th