Root Cancer Messed With The Wrong Chick Breast TShirt

Root Cancer Messed With The Wrong Chick Breast Cancer TShirt Ladies VNeck Black w/ Pink

Root Cancer Messed With The Wrong Chick Breast Cancer TShirt Ladies VNeck Black w/ Pink

Each company that chooses to associate itself with this fundraising cause makes its own decisions about how it will apportion the money received from product purchase and to whom the money will be given. In some cases, corporations involved in “pinking” have placed less emphasis on supporting a worthy cause and more emphasis on riding the coattails of the pink ribbon. As an example, some corporations pledge a percent of sales to breast cancer research, up to some limit, whereas some corporations make a onetime donation such as $10,000 from sales of their product, again enticing people to spend

So, if everything’s pink, why does breast cancer still kill over 500,000 women (and men) worldwide each year? This has a simple two-part answer. First, breast cancer is a multifactorial disease and second, the ‘pinking of the world’ has as much to do with product merchandising as it does with funding research.

Until medical research has solved the problem of breast cancer, do your part to improve early detection, make a commitment to regular breast self-examination and be sure to undergo mammogram examination on the schedule your doctor suggests.

Breast cancer continues to be a major killer of women worldwide because it occurs as the result of a constellation of hereditary and environmental factors. It’s difficult to treat for the same reasons. However, breast cancer research has made enormous strides in treating the disease and may one day render breast cancer as manageable as diabetes.

The Think Before You pink project suggests that you ask the following questions before buying pink.

(2) Angiogenesis – A tumor needs a constant supply of blood and nutrients to grow; the process is called angiogenesis. A number of drugs that may block angiogenesis are under development.

(5) What is the company doing to assure that it’s not contributing to the incidence of breast cancer? You can go to the Think before You pink website to read about possible conflicts.